How to level your walls: tips and tricks

How to level your walls: tips and tricks

If your walls aren't perfect, it's no reason to panic! There are plenty of ways and flyhacks that will help you improve their appearance and create a cozy space. Let's take a look at a few methods that will help you deal with uneven walls.

▎1. Putty and primer

One of the most common ways to level walls is using putty. First, you need to prepare the surface thoroughly: clean it of dust and dirt, and then prime it. After that, you can apply the putty. Use a wide trowel to evenly distribute the material. After the putty has dried, the surface can be sanded for perfect smoothness.

▎2. Drywall

If your walls are severely uneven, it may be worth considering installing drywall. This material allows you to create a completely flat surface. Drywall sheets are attached to a frame, which can also help hide wiring and other imperfections. After the drywall is installed, it can be painted or wallpapered.

▎3. Decorative panels and battens

If you want to hide uneven walls quickly and stylishly, decorative panels and wall strips can be a great solution. They not only mask imperfections, but also give your interior a unique style. In Artvoom store you will find a wide range of wall laths and decor that will help to create an atmosphere of coziness and style in your home.
▎4. Using textured wallpaper

Textured wallpaper can hide small irregularities and defects in the walls. They create an interesting visual effect and add depth to the interior. Choose wallpaper with a textured surface or three-dimensional patterns for the best results.

▎5. Paint with an effect

Another interesting way is to use paint with an effect. For example, paint with texture or Venetian plaster can hide small imperfections and create a unique look of the walls. This approach requires certain skills, but the result is worth the effort.


Uneven walls are not a judgment call! With the right tools and materials, you can transform your space. Don't forget about the possibilities offered by Artvoom - wall slats and decor can help you hide wall imperfections and add a stylish accent to your interior. Start updating your home today!